@help Will I still be able to favourite / bookmark micro.blog posts without upgrading to the premium plan? And will I be able to keep my old bookmarks?

@DrKnittyGritty they did 😀

@dancohen That’s so great!

@ted I don’t know if removing from history is a possibility, but a workaround is to choose “Recommend Less Like This.” on any affected song. This worked for me (in my case it was Let it Go that caused havoc in our house 😉)

@patrickrhone Wow, your post inspired me! I intend to buy a similar tool bag for the tools of my late father. He was a plumber and loved his tools. A bag feels a lot more personal than just another box. 🙏

@MitchWagner @Cheri @ReaderJohn 🤣

@gannonnordberg I did. Very helpful, thanks for the link!

@manton 👌 Pretty frictionless experience! Any plans for getting the iOS app on par with the web version?


“Music of a turbulent past and suitable for our stormy present.”

Love that characterisation, very apt! Listening now, thanks!

@odd congratulations! You will not regret it, learning and discovering a new instrument is quite an adventure! 😀

@maique Cheers! It was a great ride!🍺

@paulopinto I know the feeling😂. But a few weeks ago, I discovered that our home library actually is a very inspiring place for meditation and reflection. Every book I once bought is somehow connected to a certain period or place in my life, so just looking at all those books brings back all kinds of memories.

@russwinn As a fellow teacher from overseas, I stand with you and your students. Very well written. 🙏

@gregmoore beautiful picture! May I ask what kind of camera you used?

@TheDimPause Yes, definitely cornflower! Expect many more next year, if you leave the flowers on for a while. You also can collect the seeds and sow them elsewhere. Love them, so do bumblebees! 🐝

@Miraz That should be a micro.blog challenge of its own, would love it! (@macgenie ?!)

Or just combine it with this week’s challenge anyway? 😉 fanart.tv/tv-fanart...

@JohnPhilpin surprised because I didn’t hear about it in all the news about Apple TV+ so far. It’s clear Apple is aiming at a more qualitative segment of the market, but they don’t seem to market it as such..?

Or it could be a Pyrausta Purpuralis? They seem to be quite rare around here.

@hollyhoneychurch It tasted great too! I never had cooked with stinging nettles before, apart from making tea. But they’re a keeper in our kitchen from now on!

@bitdepth agreed, dude

@esjewett @manton that’s correct, crossposting gets broken after a while. Disabling / reenabling LinkedIn still gets it working again though.

@alexsavin wow, what a treasure that must be!

@zorn I think jitsi meet comes close.

@JohnPhilpin I don’t know your age, but stay safe nevertheless 😉

@odd yes, they’re beautiful! The climate over here isn’t ideal either. I believe this is a hybrid between an almond and an apricot, to better withstand the colder temperatures.