@odd Thát certainly looks cultish 😂. (Much more than Linus an his friends.)

@tkoola I remember seeing this on German television once, which has been widely available dor a long time. As far as I know, it never made it to Dutch television.

@odd A few years ago, there was a lot of consternation because the Dutch public broadcasting corporation didn’t renew the TV rights. We were happy to find it on-demand again this year!

@hollyhoneychurch I once did an art project on this, and I still find it super fascinating! You might look into supernormal stimuli. According to this theory, we’re all evolutionary hardwired to prefer the exaggerated or ‘cuter’ version of something. But it also seems to be a cultural phenomenon. In the last century, aggressive competition between toy manufacturers unconsciously made dolls and other toys evolve into these sometimes very unrealistic monstrosities...!

@cliffordbeshers Stunning photo!

@V_ Ah ja, je naam deed me al zoiets vermoeden 😀 Ik gebruik micro.blog onder andere om mijn Engels te verbeteren (dit is mijn eerste Nederlandse bericht hier?!)

@hollyhoneychurch Lovely!

@V_ 👏That’s 👏so👏great👏!

(This made me regret not having participated in this year mbnov challenge...)

@roelwillems Definitely can relate to that. Plex server, Homebridge server, wildlife camera surveillance system... A music streaming solution is next on my list!

@macgenie I tried, but they really prefer cat food over fruits and veggies. (They also eat a lot of snails, which is a godsend to our garden)

@macgenie 😂 Cat: I say we forge our bonds: I will guard your house while you hibernate. Meanwhile I get my share of the cat food they gave you.

@adoran2 Will give this a listen for sure!

@odd that’s too bad. But you’re welcome to follow along with my endeavours! I will try to update my blog accordingly.

@odd At first, I wanted to build it myself, but then I found out that the hedgehog preservation society over here in the Netherlands are selling them as a way to get more financial support. Hedgehogs are having a hard time in this crowded country, so this is an easy and fun way to help!

@macgenie Yes, your digital life must be hard without a guinea pig emoji, I feel your pain!

@odd @helgeg Oh nostalgia..! (They also burned a million pounds during a art performance, and wrote a book called The Manual, a step-by-step guide to achieving a No.1 single with no money or musical skills. 🙃)

@cdevroe Yes, there’s something special about recording nature’s city nightlife😁. I live in a densely populated area, so wasn’t expecting this. What kind of camera setup are you using? I built my own using a raspberry pi, mainly to get myself into Python programming.

@khurtwilliams www.artic.edu/artworks/...

@khurtwilliams Wow, this picture is more a painting than a photo, reminds me of the work of Edward Hopper. Beautiful!

@jonkit Great! Should be possible to further automate it. I sometimes have to run it a couple of times because the random factor gives back more (or a lot) of the same cover. Also, it only seems to show music that you added to your library...

@jonkit I just took the example shortcut from the gallery section inside the Shortcuts app and modified it slightly.

@manton somehow this latest episode doesn’t show up in the iOS Podcast app?

@macgenie Yes, of course, that's a promise! In the meantime, here's one from last year

@jemostrom love the smell of those photos!

@macgenie That’s exactly the plan! Although I missed the opportunity to post the first proof as part of the adayinthelife-challenge, that was the original plan... So, can we agree upon having a new challenge next year? 😁