@renevanbelzen it really is! Loved reading that book, even though I was a bit disappointed when I found out there wasn’t a Dutch translation available.

@jeremycherfas One of the best spring rituals!

@Miraz This is so great. Exactly the mindset the rest of the world needs. New Zealand (perhaps even Jacinda Ardern alone?) really sets an example here (and in so many other areas)!

@help Sorry for not following up on that.. five minutes after posting the above message, all .micro.blog sites were reachable again. So if it was a problem it only lasted for a few minutes. The peculiar thing was that micro.blog users with their own domains worked, the ones on the .micro.blog domain didn’t (I tried with around 10 different users from my timeline) 6:05 pm

@mjkaul @mjkaul this will be a defining moment for UEFA / FIFA (even for neoliberal capitalism in general)!

Loved this quote:

We – UEFA, the English FA, RFEF, FIGC, the Premier League, LaLiga, Lega Serie A, but also FIFA and all our member associations – will remain united in our efforts to stop this cynical project, a project that is founded on the self-interest of a few clubs at a time when society needs solidarity more than ever.

@help my .micro.blog site is down, as well as help.micro.blog. Any ideas?

@pimoore Yes, it’s very helpful to read these ancient (and modern) stoic texts, they put everything more in historical context for me! And coincidentally, I just finished my first book on Buddhism! Stoicism and Buddhism have a lot in common.

@strandlines My problem with CBT in general is that the average therapist oftentimes promises an easy fix for everybody’s problems, which is utter nonsense. What I learned from Stoicism is that it’s not about curing your problems, but more about taking back control of the things you can control, and letting go of all the things you can't. That also means accepting your 'shortcomings' and 'problems' as phenomena that you can learn from (which usually means that you will ~~struggle~~ deal with them for the rest of your life).

@strandlines @cheri I wholeheartedly can recommend A Guide to the Good Life by William B. Irvine as well. And also How to be a Stoic by Massimo Pigliucci (who btw hosts a great podcast: Stoic Meditations!). Since I began studying Stoicism, I find myself much better equipped to practice the principles taught in CBT!

@All_That_Jess Gezellig!

@maique always nice to see Nijntje making her appearance on Micro.blog! 😉 (I also didn’t expect her to be called by her Dutch name abroad?)

@Miraz yup:

The temperature of the flight muscles, which occupy much of the thorax, needs to be at least 30 °C (86 °F) before flight can take place. The muscle temperature can be raised by shivering.

That (and their thick bristle pile) is the reason they still fly around late in the season!

@Miraz I wish you a speedy recovery!

@Miraz Yes, so there’s a good chance that’s a queen. The more I learn about their lifecycle, the more I wonder about them. Did you know they are warm-blooded?!

@Miraz just curious: is that an archived picture or are they still active in the southern hemisphere? Over here, the queens are just waking from hibernation. Such fascinating creatures!

@bitdepth So true. I will never forget Swankie’s vivid memories of the swallows swarming around her..!

@bitdepth It tasted delicious too! I liked the crust in particular. The dough consisted of flower and polenta, which gave it a nice brittleness.

@artkavanagh I’m very curious about his modern classical work. I just today read about this, never knew about this. Definitely want to look into it!

@AlanGMarz Those are great memories and that really was an epic scene! I think the reason for not giving it a five star rating is just because I’m not really into sci-fi that much. But Star Trek is definitely growing on me. So I will soon start The Search for Spock! 🖖

@artkavanagh same here. But what a musical legacy he leaves..!

@eabando my daughter right now: 👀😋👩‍🍳

@bsag lovely photo, lovely morning

@maique Enjoy! Really a ‘watch together’ film.

@rudigermeyer very nice! Great way to discover new scales 🙂

@vincent 🙏Thank you for this. Made me think of this quote from C.S. Lewis💬:

”To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”