@Miraz Always a magical moment! ā€˜Oursā€™ arrive from Western Africa every year. Unfortunately their numbers decline for several years in a row alreadyā€¦.

@ridwan it turned out to be the perfect sweet accompaniment of a cheese platter!

@bitdepth Hang in there! Thatā€™s a really serious hurricaneā€¦

@manton @sod I have the Arabica theme with no modifications except for some heavy restyling with CSS. I just checked on my test-blog and it seems that the arabica theme indeed doesn't have a "replying to" link? Would be great to have such a link, and preferably to the original post on the blog itself! (But wouldn't mind if it linked to the entry in the m.b. timeline)

@sod I would be interested in beta testing too!

On a side note: I include my replies on my blog too, but in its current form itā€™s not of much use, since thereā€™s nothing that links back to the original conversation. @manton , could this be something that can be improved in the future?

@odd Iā€™m experiencing this since upgrading to iOS 16 tooā€¦ seems like every focus has to be reconfigured from scratch to get it working again.

@patrickrhone very curious to read that book! Itā€™s going on my ever growing to-read list.

@Miraz Looking very tasty! I love roasted cauliflower and broccoli. So much better flavours than cooked!

@jean @jmaxb Since my daughter is still very young (almost 15) I expect it to be a (perhaps life-) long experiment šŸ˜…

@V_ intruiging design šŸ™‚, some sort of catapulting device?

"Vivian ā€˜Yabby Youā€™ Jackson had been fiercely independent as a singer and producer, and the success of his early self-pressed productions, mostly on the Prophets or Vivian Jackson labels, had given him a sense of hard earned autonomy. A motorbike was one of the fruits of his labours, acquired as a way of zipping around the capitalā€™s roads to deliver records and organise recording sessions.

His wife Jean could often be see hanging on to the back. Twelve years after his death, she remembers various exploits on the pot-holed roads of Kingston. Jean Vencella Williams: ā€˜His first motorbike was a Honda 50 and then a 100, a Yamaha. He had a little carrier thing for boxes of records, so we go to Mandeville in Manchester, sometimes to Spanish Town fe sell records. Most of the time he sell them to the shops, like Randys, and the people them buy it from there."

@Miraz Itā€™s almost exactly the same hereā€¦ Thereā€™s a big housing crisis going on and seasonal workers are structurally being abused by landlords. It really is a terrible situation, and unfortunately it seems to be a global oneā€¦

@pcora Welkom in Utrecht šŸ™‚. Hopelijk heb je het naar je zin hier!

@bitdepth Amazing how many storylines intertwined during this episode!

@Miraz Bookmarked!

@cliffordbeshers Astonishingly beautiful! The rain really adds to the aerial perspective.

@jeremycherfas Thanks for posting / linking this. I also loathe the process of ā€˜shameless self promotionā€™. For me, the last sentence in that piece seems to work well as a counter-measuring-mantra:

"Donā€™t do it for yourself. Do it for your work."

@V_ welkom, geniet van je verblijf!

@hollyhoneychurch we watched it with our two daughters and we all enjoyed it very much! Canā€™t wait for the second season!

@eay das hat mich ziemlich zum lachen gebracht šŸ˜€ Noch recht gemĆ¼tlich?

@rnv Always great to see some proper Dutch cultural heritage showing up in the Discover feed! šŸ˜€

@odd šŸ˜‚ Just what I needed on this Monday morning!

@Burk @Alligator @jessekelber @Miraz @ningkantida I really don't have the particular expertise needed to answer that question šŸ˜‰.

I once thought to use šŸ› when blogging about stoic concepts, but then I read the aforementioned book by Irvine. He coined the concept of 'stealth stoicism' as an ideal way to go about one's daily activities, i.e. practice stoicism, but keep it to yourself and don't talk too much about it. I like that idea very much. So, on a second thought: maybe I prefer the idea of having a lot of stealth stoics wandering around the micro.blog community!

@Alligator @jessekelber @Miraz @ningkantida The only thing we need now is a Stoicism tagmoji šŸ˜‚

Cc @burk

@ningkantida Thatā€™s great! I got some good recommendations on stoicism from the community here on micro.blog too!

Hereā€™s another one, my favourite book on contemporary Stoicism: A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy by William B. Irvine.