@odd To be honest I don’t remember anymore! It was laying dormant in my Plex library for (too) many years..!

@Miraz gorgeous indeed!

@wfm Thank you! These particular photos aren't from Utrecht, btw...

@Burk strangely beautiful! I could watch this for hours..!

@donperreault as an arts teacher I’m very curious, but the link isn’t working...?

@jemostrom Absolutely stunning! (And one more reason to visit Sweden)

@hollyhoneychurch thank you

@pratik @pratik Stunning photo! (For a moment I thought I was looking at a satellite view of a river estuary...?!)

@odd That actually makes it 4 sights in one view then! 😉

@simonwoods Agreed. In my case, there’s a blurry line between me as a person and me as an organisation, and a project blog would mainly be beneficial for the latter part. But a project with an accompanying microblog can of course be anything one wants it to be! For the hosting part of the micro.blog business an interesting area to explore, although it could be a bit confusing for the social / timeline integration of micro.blog.

@simonwoods Yes! It’s also ripe for project blogs (in my case, blogs as part of art and research projects with a time span of several months or years). Hosted Hugo / micro.blogs are such a natural fit for this: fast, convenient and up and running in no time. I would seriously consider this if there was a subscription plan for ‘unlimited’ blogs. I wonder if @manton would consider this?

@bitdepth @davidm Agreed! But my bread machine is making so much noise, it would wake me up way too early in the morning. So I stopped using it. But now I miss the smell of freshly baked bread, which is one of the best ways to wake up in the morning. A terrible dilemma...

@strandlines hi, stumbled upon your post and only wanted to say I appreciate your openness on the subject of mental health. That is one of the most important first steps to take and you convincingly succeeded! Know that it can only go up from here. But accepting the fact that it way often will feel as going downhill is also a part of the deal... 💪

@colinwalker great reminder, thanks for posting!

@erullmann I watched it a couple of weeks ago. Especially liked the murder scene on the crowded stairs and laughed about the crazy pseudo Dutch spoken by non Dutch actors 😀

@simonwoods thanks for sharing!

@jemostrom Stunning..!

@vasta It was a tough choice though! Also liked The Teskey Brothers very much, and until yesterday I thought I would pick Michael Kiwanuka...

@macgenie @manton More options for the visual representation of data would be awesome! Although your bookshelf already looks great @michaelfransen! Btw: there is built in support for IndieBookClub, but I don’t see many people using it (or I just don’t understand it completely...)

@adamprocter @macgenie It’s a timeless movie. I watched it with first year students a couple of months ago and they were genuinely impressed. Just like I was some 20 years ago when I watched it for the first time during my art studies 😀

@manton @prologic I really sense that human feel when browsing the Discover feed and it’s definitely the way to go for micro.blog! But as someone from a different timezone I quite often get the feeling that curating takes place during U.S. office hours. Which makes sense (you guys have to sleep!) but it sometimes feels as if micro.blog is dormant as well. I suggested before that it would be great if users were able to recommend posts from their timeline to the curators of micro.blog. The Discover feed just screams for some crowd sourcing! Which would make that human feel only stronger, imho...

@Miraz beautiful! This makes me long for another spring season over here on the northern hemisphere!

@manton All is well now!

@manton as a Kickstarter backer I can only say this: “all things come to those who wait”🙏😉

@bitdepth As Dutch as it can get!