@Miraz Beautiful mantra, and what a great spirit to start your day with! Memento Mori and Memento Vivere seem to be two sides of the same coin, yet most Stoic thinking tends to focus on the Mori part. Would love to get suggestions on reading more on Memento Vivere…

@jeremycherfas A much needed must read!

"Our new challenge as little snowflake humans will be to prove we aren't language models. It's the reverse turing test."

@manton Would it somehow be possible to exclude conversations in my Micro.blog’s timeline that originated on Mastodon, but appear in my timeline because someone I follow on Micro.blog joined that conversation? (If you get what I mean…😉). It often feels a bit ‘off-key’, because a lot of the times those people aren’t even aware of the conversational atmosphere of Micro.blog, or even Micro.blog in general.

@patrickrhone One further recommendation I would like to add is the beautiful Belgian city of Antwerp!

@pcora @patrickrhone 🤫😉

@patrickrhone You’re cordially invited to pay a visit to Amsterdam’s little (and nearby) sister Utrecht 🙂

@artkavanagh fwiw, the album is available through Apple Music. And it’s very good..!

@artkavanagh What a beautifully written piece! Very eager to give HOME.S. a listen. I’m a big fan of his music!

@ndreas We did too! Episode 7 was the weirdest but also bravest TV series episode I’ve ever seen. Just one scene with 20 minutes of pure rage! That wasn’t possible in the pre-streaming era.

@odd So you weren’t able to listen yet? Not ideal, but I found a version on YouTube. To be honest I’m not too happy with linking to Apple Music in blog posts. I did also use song.link for a while, but I’m wondering how permanent those URLs will be in the long term. Perhaps the safest bet is to link to the Wikipedia article and let readers find the song on their own?

@vincent @manton Ooh, nostalgia! But even more relevant today than 5 years ago!

@artkavanagh Thanks for sharing, great find!

@warner My walk is in Dutch and also geolocated, but maybe you can find a nearby walk through the Echoes platform or app?

@V_ That’s quite literally some rare bread you have there! Or should I say medium-rare? 😀

@rom @shep Same here! In my case with an NFS mounted share of all the media on my NAS.

@hollyhoneychurch That’s some serious psychedelic purring! My cats were anxiously looking around like they were expecting some space invaders!

(BTW, do you already know Purrli, internet’s favourite cat?😉)

@artkavanagh Have fun listening, it’s a great album! I discovered a lot of really great work by Chick Corea lately. Somehow, I tend to listen a lot more to the work of artists after they pass away…

@warner I like Wikipedia’s description very much, couldn’t explain it any better :)

“A soundwalk is a walk with a focus on listening to the environment.”

@johnwlittle This is great!! I only knew their twitter account. Even better than Poolsuite.fm..!

@V_ Hagelslag FTW 🙌

@Miraz don’t get me wrong: kombucha is serious business! That’s something for fermenting pros, I didn’t dare to try it yet 😉

@Miraz Isn’t that part of the fun?! I still remember my first kimchi, it was way too salty but the whole family agreed that it indeed could be called kimchi. Made me kind of proud 😅

@JMaxB Merry Clayton’s voice is thrilling. I’ve seen some fragments of that documentary on national television, but still have to see it sometimes!

@JMaxB All great songs! My all time favourite has to be Gimme Shelter!

@Miraz We’ve all been there..! So many things to take care of in a split second!