One of the great scientists of the 20th century has died…

E.O. Wilson, a Pioneer of Evolutionary Biology, Dies at 92

“Earth has at last acquired a force that can break the crucible of biodiversity”

🎵 Finally took the time to edit and upload the field recording I made a few months ago in stiltegebied De Meije. Apart from normalising, there wasn’t much to edit, though. This series of ‘silent’ recordings is gradually turning into an interesting side project…

🎥 Hawkeye (2021) ★★★★

Watched this Marvel mini series with my youngest daughter, and we enjoyed it. I particularly loved watching Tony Dalton in a role seemingly tailor made for him, which made me long even more for the final season of Better Call Saul…

📚 Halfway through Warren Ellis’ Nina Simone’s Gum and it’s great! This fragment made me smile:

“Trying to be cool and totally not. I was instantly soaked in perspiration and I undid the fourth button on my best floral shirt. Three buttons is day time, four is for concerts.”

🎵 Hear & Now - Don Cherry (1976) ★★★★

Jimi Hendrix meets Miles Davis meets Gong meets Free Jazz meets Fusion. ❤️

🎵The end of the year is near, which means listening to a lot of best-albums-of-the-year playlists, like Bleep’s, Pitchfork’s and my favourite Dutch one Plato Mania Eindlijst. There’s not a lot of overlap between them, except for Promises by Floating Points & Pharoah Sanders.

I love it how every now and then, a quote by one of the great Stoics comes to the rescue in everyday situations.

“The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.”

Marcus Aurelius 💬

It’s hard to practice restraint in life, but it is more often than not the best way to react.

🎥 Troy (2004) ★★★

🌱🦔 I’m experimenting a bit more with live streaming from within our hedgehog house in the garden (via the excellent Open Broadcaster Software). It has been occupied for several nights already, so I have good hope that it will be used again for hibernation this winter.

🎵🎥 Elvis: That’s the way it is (1970) ★★★½

Great documentary with a lot of behind the scenes and sometimes hilarious rehearsal footage, and with a nice build up to the film’s climax: the live registration of ‘The Elvis Summer Festival’ at the International Hotel in Las Vegas.

📚 Very excited to read this book I got as a gift from friends!

Written by one of my favourite musicians about one of my favourite musicians: Nina Simone’s Gum by Warren Ellis.

🎵 Today, I had a lot of fun upgrading and rearranging my home studio. Even with a fairly simple setup like this, it took some time to carefully plan all the input and output connections. But the awesome MindNode app made it a pretty smooth experience.

🌱 I’m glad I took a moment to photograph some lovely autumn colours in our garden on this dreary Saturday morning. I’m also pretty impressed with Halide’s new computational macro feature.

🎥 Black Panther (2018) ★★★½

Enjoying my favourite IPA Gulpener Ur-Hop, while watching our next Marvel movie with the family.

🌱 Made a simple yet very tasty pumpkin soup from the biggest pumpkin we harvested from our garden.

I just discovered this 13th century poem by Rumi, and it made a very profound impression on me… 🙏

The Guesthouse

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

– Jalaluddin Rumi 💬

🎵I Don’t Live Here Anymore - The War on Drugs ★★★★

I couldn’t resist to play the second track Harmonia’s Dream on maximum volume in our living room. Such an energizing track.

🎥 The French Dispatch (2021) ★★★★

Had a great night out with some old friends yesterday. It had been ages since we went to the cinema together!

This comment on Letterboxd matched our thoughts exactly:

‘Wes Anderson has truly out wes andersoned himself here and i’m obsessed’

🎵 Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Night Moves (1976) ★★★★½

My favourite classic rock album was released 45 years ago today. While writing this post, I found out that instead of the Silver Bullet Band, part of this album was actually recorded with backing by the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section, a group of session musicians “associated with more than 500 recordings, including 75 gold and platinum hits.”

Visit with the family to the Re_Nature contemporary art festival, ‘s Hertogenbosch.

😱Just purchased the new ‘entry level’ 14” MacBook Pro, minutes after the announcement. That could probably count as an impulse buy, but it actually was long overdue. Although my trusty old ‘late 2013’ 15” MacBook Pro is still showing its strength, it really is on its last legs.

🎥 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) ★★

Homemade potato chips made by me and my youngest daughter. Oven baked and with a top secret recipe for the seasoning. Took us a large part of the morning. Consumed in under 5 minutes while watching our next Marvel movie with the family.

🌱 Today’s harvest. Two different apple varieties, one pumpkin (variety unknown) and some more almonds.

🌱 First harvest of almonds from our garden.