v. Vollenhoven & Co East Indies Pale Ale. ★★★

I decided to combine the February Photo Blogging Challenge with my New Year’s resolution to post more photos of my hometown Utrecht. So far, I love the extra handicap, but there’s still a long way ahead of me…

Three sights in one view: bridges over the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal, Utrecht.

🎵 My week in music (week #5 2020)

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how”

Friedrich Nietzsche 💬

Dafne Schippers bicycle bridge, Utrecht

Dafne Schippers bicycle bridge, an open entrance into downtown Utrecht, by NEXT Architects

“Music is everything one listens to with the intention of listening to music”

Luciano Berio 💬

🥾 Short walk near De Bilt.

“When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Viktor Frankl 💬

🎵 My week in music (week #4 2020)

Making a very easy soup tonight with courgettes, spring onions, lemon and mint.

🎥 Currently watching A message from Akira Kurosawa (2000) ★★★

Pretty informative documentary on his life and an insightful look into his practice as a film director.

”The practice of art isn’t to make a living, it’s to make your soul grow”

Kurt Vonnegut 💬

🎵 Listening to one of the oddest (and one of my favourite) World Music albums ever: Fly, Fly My Sadness (1996). A remarkable but successful collaboration between two very different musical cultures.

After a week of several Mid Year Assessments at HKU, I’m tired but very satisfied with all the great projects our students presented.

This Lowlander I.P.A. is one of my favourite Dutch beers of late.

🎵 My week in music (week #3 2020)

📺 The Crown (Season 3) ★★★★

Loved reading the trivia on IMDb:

Changing her eye color in postproduction was also tested, but (…) “it didn’t feel like her. CGI-ing her eyes seemed to diminish what she was doing.” Eventually it was decided to accept the continuity error.

Just learned about word vectors and some cool tricks you can do with them for creative applications. For example: you can programmatically ‘average’ words like hot and cold to end up with warm! Time to get more into NLP, and a good enough motivation to improve my Python skills...

4000 axe-monies returned to Mexico

Intriguing mixture of folk art, economics and technology from 800 years ago.

They are archaeologically significant (...) because they attest to an exchange of monies and metallurgic technology between the ancient Mexican and Andean peoples.

🎥 Rashomon (1950) by Akira Kurosawa ★★★★★

4 contradictory accounts of one incident: a classic in cinematic storytelling. Mesmerising cinematography. Can’t believe this was made in 1950.

🎵 My week in music (week #2 2020)

Cooking Indonesian tonight. Inspired by recipes from a Dutch classic Indonesian cookbook from the 60s (Groot Indonesisch Kookboek by Bep Vuyk). With beautiful drawings and photography by Suwondo Sudewo and Icksan Pohan.

Full moon through clouds