“I look at an ant and I see myself: a native South African, endowed by nature with a strength much greater than my size so I might cope with the weight of a racism that crushes my spirit.”

Zenzile Miriam Makeba 💬

Right after posting my first entry for this week’s micro.blog challenge, I suddenly realised that all quotations I already posted here were from dead (and mostly white) men. So for this challenge, I will try to be more gender-inclusive with quotes from all over the world! 🌈🌍💬

“How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it”

Marcus Aurelius 💬

🌱 Having fun raising tadpoles with my youngest daughter 🐸

🎥 Jack (1996) ★★

A 10 year old kid, trapped in an old man’s body. One of the oddest films directed by Francis Ford Coppola, with also not so convincing acting by Robin Williams. The kids loved it though, so maybe that’s enough?

Did some overdue home improvement and combined it with this year’s spring cleaning. We finally created a home reading / reflection / meditation space in our attic. And from now on our intensively occupied home office and study should be a much more convenient workplace.

🎵My week in music (week #18 2020).

Played a lot of random music from my library this week. I love letting the shuffle button take me on unexpected musical journeys.

Also heard of the death of Tony Allen after listening to his great ‘new’ album with the late Hugh Masekela.

I was going through my sound archive and found a bunch of MiniDiscs. No way I will ever play them back anymore, but they’re simply too beautiful to trash them...

🎥 Nightfall (1957) ★★★

🌱 Fragrant pink flowers of the lilac in our garden.

”A person can cry or laugh. Always when you’re crying you could be laughing, you have the choice. Crazy people know how to do this best because their minds are loose. So you can take the flexibility your mind is capable of and make it work for you.”

Andy Warhol 💬

🎵My week in music (week #17 2020)

Didn’t listen to a lot of music due to a crazy busy online work week, but enjoyed the new albums by Fiona Apple, Tamikrest and Chatham County Line.

🌱Homemade ravioli with homegrown sage, oregano, parsley, celery and even some ‘homegrown’ stinging nettle.

🌱 Blooming cornflower and clematis in our garden.

Disappointed that the public/private joint venture privatetracer.org was withdrawn out of the official procedure for the development of a tracing app. They found the whole procedure not realistic and way too speedy.

They had a great proof of concept, based on privacy by design.

Great comment by an IT professional on the lack of expertise with respect to privacy technology among the Dutch authorities:

”If this wasn’t about software but about dykes, the development of a tracing app would have gone a lot better. The government just gets that.”

🌱Blooming blueberry in our garden.

🎵My week in music (week #16 2020)

Listened to a random and eclectic mix this week. Highlights: Teiji Ito, Bernard Hermann, The Delines and Tamikrest.

🎥 Jumanji (1995) ★★½

xkcd: RIP John Conway

A much better mindset for the long run:

“Everyone wants to know when this will end,” said Devi Sridhar, a public-health expert at the University of Edinburgh. “That’s not the right question. The right question is: How do we continue?”

Our Pandemic Summer. (Via Kottke.org)

🎵My week in music (week #15 2020).

I particularly enjoyed Alva Noto’s just released cover version of The Cure’s A Forest, already 40 (?!) years old this year. I also listened to some 90s gems like Soul Coughing and Tracy Bonham.

🌱 Shield bug on blooming apple tree.

🎥 Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) ★★½

I watched the film I remembered so vividly from my teenage years with my two daughters (one of them already a teenager herself). It didn’t work anymore for me, but at least my daughters now know who Jesus really was.

🌱 Blooming rosemary in our garden