🎵 My week in Music (week #43 2020)

Sault, Dinosaur Jr., Actress, Jefferson Airplane, Bernard Herrmann, Roberta Flack & Donna Hathaway, Joachim Van den Hove… I knew I had a broad musical taste, but this past week was quite extreme in this regard.

🎵 My week in music (week #42 2020)

Swell - 41 is still one of my favourite albums by one of my favourite bands of the 90s. The combination of field recording, spoken word and a very recognisable indie sound had a profound effect on me at the time.

🎵 My week in music (week #41 2020)

I was amazed by the recording (and / or mastering) quality of Ella: The Lost Berlin Tapes (Live). Never heard this quality before from the 60s.

🎵 My week in music (week #40 2020)

In the Heart of the Moon (2005) remains one of my favourite albums ever.

“Just before the sessions began, Touré (…) was made the mayor of his home town of Niafunké. Diabaté, ever the griot, celebrates this with a brand new piece entitled Monsieur Le Maire De Niafunké.”

🎵 My week in music (week #39 2020)

Managed to listen to only one album this past week, and it wasn’t even music but soundscapes and spoken word. But I wholeheartedly recommend this album to anyone!

Soundwalk Collective with Patti Smith - Peradam (feat. Anoushka Shankar, Tenzin Choegyal & Charlotte Gainsbourg)

🎵 My week in music (week #38 2020)

Was a bit underwhelmed by Sarah Davachi’s new album. Jozef van Wissem’s meditative lute music gave me some much needed rest and relaxation in a busy work week. Also rediscovered the great sound of Future Islands.

🎵 My week in music (week #37 2020)

I liked watching this interview with Mick Jagger and Adam Granduciel. They talked about the War on Drugs-remix of the track Scarlet on the just released re-issue of Goats Head Soup, but also about writing music and upcoming new albums(!).

“Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing”

John Erskine 💬🎵

🎵 My week in music (week 36 2020)

Listened to a mix of classical and folk music this past week. Of all romantic composers, Scandinavian figureheads like Edvard Grieg seem to best capture the influence of nature and folklore in their music.

”After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”

Aldous Huxley 💬🎵

🎵 My week in music (week #35 2020)

Deep Cuts by The Knife still sounds as contemporary as it did back in 2003. Listened the whole album at once. Also stumbled upon a forgotten gem hidden in my library from La Funk Mob.

🎵 I wrote earlier about Concertino, the great project by Open Opus, that makes classical music ‘just work’ with modern music streaming services. The promised iOS app is pretty stable already. I just discovered the beautiful late romantic work of Ferruccio Busoni through it. ❤️

🎵 My week in music (week #33 2020)

I didn’t listen to a lot because of our short holiday amid the longest heatwave ever.

But I enjoyed the new album Articulation by Rival Consoles. It somehow brought me back to listening music with friends at dawn at Calella Beach in the 90s.

🎵 My week in music (week #32 2020)

Amidst the heatwave, while tidying up our study a bit (in preparation for the new busy working period coming up), I listened to some fitting classic reggae tunes by Sly Dunbar and Barry Brown.

🎵 My week in music (week #31 2020)

Enjoyed listening to the reissue of African Rhythms 1970-1982 by Oneness of Juju and also very much liked hearing Touch by Eurythmics again.

🎵 My week in music (week #30 2020).

Highlight of the week was ‘Hound Dog’ Taylor, a ‘true’ blues man:

“He was famous among guitar players for having six fingers on both hands (…) One night, while drunk, he cut off the extra digit on his right hand using a straight razor.”

🎵 My week in music (week #29 2020)

Listening to Jonny Greenwood’s excellent soundtrack for Norwegian Wood made me want to rewatch the film. But of course it would be better to finally read the book itself…

🎵My week in music (week #28 2020)

Listened to an older work by Sarah Davachi, anxiously awaiting her new album Cantus, Descant, scheduled for September. Also enjoyed listening to Soro by Salif Keita, while reading about his foundation, raising awareness of albinism worldwide.

🎵My week in music (week #27 2020)

The Trip (2006), curated by Jarvis Cocker and Steve Mackey is one of those albums I keep coming back to every few months. A classic collection of pop, rock, soundtracks and what not.

🎵My week in music (week #26 2020)

Listened a lot to Alva Noto this week. Bleep.com:

”Much like William Basinski’s famous Disintegration Loops, the Xerrox releases find Alva Noto (…) copying and re-copying samples until they have morphed into something entirely different.”

🎵 My week in music (week #25 2020)

🎵 My week in music (week #24 2020)

🎵 My week in music (week #23 2020)

Enjoyed this new issue of Bach’s Concertos for Harpsichord and Strings by (Dutch-born) Masato Suzuki & Bach Collegium Japan.

🎥 🎵 My week in music (week #22 2020)

I very much enjoyed watching the classic “Live in Siracuse” concert from 1985 by Prince and the Revolution. Streamed for a limited time on YouTube, in support of the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the WHO.

🎵 My week in music (week #21 2020)

It would have been a quiet week music wise, but the death of Mory Kanté made me listen to most of his work the last couple of days. His latest album Cocorico! Balade d’un Griot (made for children!) is pure enjoyment!