Shell Shock sound installation at Eye Amsterdam

I made a commissioned sound installation for the Shell Shock programme in Eye Filmmuseum! You're welcome to experience it until 22 May 2019. It's free, since the installation is at the entrance of Eye, but I highly encourage you to also visit one of the great talks, films and other events as part of Shell Shock, or the parallel exhibition A Tale of Hidden Histories.

More info can be found on the project page.

Having fun building a commissioned sound installation for the upcoming Shell Shock programme at Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam. Old technology meets new technology.

I really loved this atmospheric video installation. Shot in near-total darkness and silence. Sunrise, by David Claerbout, De Pont, Tilburg.

Art works by Richard Long, at De Pont museum, Tilburg.

Gaufrettes Sequence Randomly, Ann Veronica Janssens, (2018). De Pont museum, Tilburg.

Beautiful film props from the surreal cinema of Jan Švankmajer, on display in EYE Filmmuseum Amsterdam. This one is from one of my favourites: Conspirators of Pleasure (1996)

Dirk, the vagabond robot, Electric Circus, 2014. On display at Robots Love Music exhibition, Museum Speelklok, Utrecht.

The Android Clarinetist, Cornelis Jacob van Oeckelen, Breda, the Netherlands, 1838. On display at Robots Love Music exhibition, Museum Speelklok, Utrecht

I very much enjoyed Oskar Kokoschka. A retrospective in Kunsthaus Zürich today.